
Oxmas 2019

Brasenose Chapel is a place of quiet reflection, prayer and friendship. The Chapel and Antechapel are open for in person services and events throughout Michaelmas Term 2022. Face coverings are no longer required. Please feel free to contact [email protected] with any queries you may have.

Situated between the Deer Park and New Quad, the Chapel is always open for members of College: whatever your religious background, you are welcome here. A warm and beautiful space, the Chapel is home to a vibrant Christian community which meets each day for prayer and companionship. It is also the natural location for College gatherings at times of celebration, as well as concerts, lectures and other College events. The Brasenose Chaplain is Rev David Sheen ([email protected])

Worship in Chapel

Services take place in Chapel every day except Saturday during University term time, and are open to all members of College, their families and friends. Attendance at services is of course entirely optional: Chapel is not compulsory. Services are conducted according to the rites of the Church of England. However, the Chapel is home to Christians of many traditions, as well as those who are not Christian but wish to participate in our worship and common life. If you have a religious background or none at all, and whatever your race, gender or sexuality, you will be met with a warm welcome.

Have a look at this term's Chapel services and events on our Term Card.

Helpful information about current provision for all faiths at Brasenose in our Brasenose Faith Provision for Students and Staff

Brasenose is home to people of many different faiths and those of no faith. College Members can find out more about other faith groups or societies in the University and where to worship by clicking here or here for all faith chaplains, groups, student belief societies and provision for all denominations across the university:










 Sunday chapellawnWorship
The main service of the week is College Prayers, which takes place on Sunday at 6.00 p.m. This is a service of Choral Evensong from the Book of Common Prayer, followed by a sermon or address, which lasts about sixty minutes. Our large and friendly Chapel Choir sings at this service. Afterwards we meet for drinks in the Medieval Kitchen.

Sunday in Chapel begins at 9.00 a.m., with a short service of Eucharist (Mass or Holy Communion). At 9.30 a.m., there is breakfast in the Chaplain’s room, Heberden 1. All members of College are welcome at breakfast, irrespective of attendance at Chapel beforehand.

Worship during the Week

For detailed service times, please see the Chapel term card. Each day we celebrate Morning and Evening Prayer, short services at which the Psalms are recited and Scripture is read. On Wednesdays at 9.30 p.m. we sing the beautiful monastic service of Compline (Night Prayer) to plainsong music by candlelight.Chaplains breakfast

Weekly Eucharists

The Eucharist is celebrated regularly on Tuesdays and Sundays in College (see term card for details). Here we meet with Christ in the sacrament he instituted, and offer him our daily lives in prayer and loving service. If you usually receive Communion, you are welcome to do so here. On Tuesdays at 6.00 p.m. the Eucharist is a longer celebration, with hymns and an address by a junior member of College. This is sometimes followed by supper at a local pub or in Hall.

Chapel Fellowship

As well as meeting for worship, we meet often for discussion, and to get to know one another better. Social events are usually advertised in the weekly Chapel Sheet, available in the Chapel.

Each term there is a Chapel away-day, usually a pilgrimage to a holy place within easy travelling distance of Oxford. These days normally include lunch and plenty of time for conversation and fun. For more details, please see the Chapel Term card and contact the Chaplain to register your interest.

The College Christian Union gathers weekly in the Chaplain’s Room c.7:15pm often on a Wednesday - contact the reps in the term card for precise details. This meeting includes Bible study and a time of open prayer. It is an open meeting and all undergraduate members of College are welcome.  The Christian Union organises regular events in College, including the popular Library Love social. Christian Union is usually followed by drinks in the Bar.

Baptism and Confirmation

If you are a current member of College and are interested in being baptised and/or confirmed in Chapel, please talk to the Chaplain as soon as possible. She will be delighted to discuss this with you furtchapellawnher. Similarly if you are a current member of staff or one of our alumni and would like to explore having your child christened please contact the Chaplain.


If you are a current or old member of College and would like to discuss the possibility of being married in Chapel, please contact the Chaplain. Further important information about marriage in Brasenose College Chapel can be found here.

Speaking in Confidence - The Chaplain is available to you as a listening ear and a support in things both small or great. She is a key member of the Welfare Team, extending pastoral care to all members of the college community - those of all faiths & none. She adheres to the College’s policy on confidentiality and can signpost members of college to a wide range of welfare support and providers within Brasenose, the University and beyond. Please also refer to: . The Chaplain is also available for spiritual accompaniment and can offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) upon request.

College Graces: these are available here.


The Choir: All members of Brasenose are welcome to sing in the famously friendly and fun Chapel Choir, led by our Director of Music, Polina Sosnina, and Organ Scholars.

The Organ: Information on the Organ is available here.

The Chapel is available for music practice, or other events with the permission of the Chaplain or Director of Music here

Chapel Use Policy