Student Blog: Life after Brasenose

WrikatBNCI graduated from Brasenose in 2014 having studied Economics and Management at undergraduate level. I absolutely loved my time at college; I got involved with lots of activities, from Welfare, to sport, to setting up my own film club with a friend, and the close-knit environment really suited me.

I also enjoyed my course – there was plenty of variety, from the Management essays to problem sheets and maths based questions in Economics – the option to pick according to your preferences meant there was always something that kept me interested! They definitely work you hard, so it makes it so much easier when the subject matter is thought-provoking. As I got closer to the end of my degree, I realised that what I enjoyed most was seeing the applications of Economics, so I looked for ways in which I could learn more about this.

This led me to look into Health Economics, which is primarily concerned with the application of Economics to Health and Healthcare systems. Health is something that is clearly relevant to everyone, so the chance to apply my undergraduate Economics to something so important really appealed to me. After reading into the subject, I looked at Masters Courses, and found one that was highly attractive at LSE. I got an offer, and currently I am doing a Masters in Health Economics! (Full title is MSc in International Health Policy (Health Economics)).

So far I’ve really enjoyed it; I’ve been applying a lot of the statistics and Microeconomic concepts to more practical health-related topics, as well as studying public policy for a variety of areas. As it’s a one-year degree, a lot is crammed in. One of my courses looks at how to judge countries’ health performance, whilst another looks at pharmaceutical policies, so once again there’s plenty of variety.

After this Masters I may be going on to work for a small medical consulting company, building Economic models in an effort to help different treatments get approved for use, whilst looking at their cost-effectiveness and their impact on budgets. A course I have studied on Cost-Effectiveness Analysis has ensured I will be prepared for this!

I’m so glad I went to Brasenose College, it has really helped me prepare for any future ventures!

By Wrik Ghosh (former Economics and Management student)

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